The Barbican Estate Office
The BARBICAN ESTATE OFFICE runs the estate. Their contact details and opening hours are on their website. They are right next to Lauderdale Tower. You should register online so they can contact you if anything happens, like a water leak in your flat while you are out, or elsewhere in the building.
They issue an excellent ‘Residents’ Estate-wide News Bulletin’ every week or so, which you receive by email. Sign up for it and stay up to date with practical things happening in the estate. It will also give you the contact numbers for services you may need.
It is essential to deposit a set of keys with the Barbican Estate Office in Lauderdale Place. Then you can authorise contractors to get into your flat when you are out at work – your cleaners, for example. Even more importantly, if you lose your own keys, at least you can get into your flat without having to wait for a locksmith. (Out of hours, the car park attendants or porters in Lauderdale Tower can get the keys for you.)
Car park attendants and house porters and help ‘out of hours’.
They are who you should contact if you have a problem out of hours. There are engineers on site 24 hours a day, so if you suddenly have a burst pipe late at night, your car park attendant or house porter can contact them and get you some emergency attention.
The Barbican Association and Barbican Life
The Barbican Association is the Barbican residents tenants association. They produce a quarterly magazine, ‘Barbican Life’, which is full of useful information and contacts. But while you are waiting for your first issue, you will find all the information on BARBICAN LIFE website
The House Group
Every block has its own House Group. You can find out who is who on the Barbican Life website, or from notices in the lift of your block, or on the notice board in the entrance lobby.
Cripplegate Ward
The Barbican Estate is part of the Cripplegate Ward in the City of London. Your elected representatives may be able to help you or advise you on issues you have. The Barbican Estate Office can give you a list. They often hold ‘surgeries’ here or in the Golden Lane Estate where you can go and meet them.
They also have a CRIPPLEGATE WARD SOCIAL CLUB you may be interested in joining.
Useful information and contacts on our website
On the main menu which runs along the top of every page of our website, select the LIVING HERE item. You can then choose from these options on the drop-down menu.
PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP YOU. Some useful contacts.
FLAT CLEANING. We recommend House Proud.
MAKING ALTERATIONS. There are important rules and restrictions you need to be aware of before doing any works.
CARS AND BIKES. You can rent or buy a space.
STORING STUFF. You can rent a storage cage.