When I was doing research, I came across a lot of incidents or facts which tweaked my interest or amused me, and I put them all together in lists of what I’ve called “fascinating facts”. This is for people who are interested in the Barbican, but aren’t looking to read for a PhD in Barbican studies.
If you go to the main menu running along the top of the website on every page and look under CONCEPTION, you will see I have put a heading for FASCINATING FACTS. These are mainly about the period leading up to the first spadeful of earth being dug out of the Barbican site.
I have FASCINATING FACTS under the CONSTRUCTION heading for interesting things about the building of the estate.
Finally, I have FASCINATING FACTS under the NOW heading for things which have happened since the estate has been occupied.
“Fascinating facts” might have been a little bit of an overstatement, but I hope you find them interesting.