Type 7.5 Frobisher Crescent, Barbican Estate

Type 7.5 is a three-bedroom flat, like Type 7.4. The differences are in slight variations in room size and shape. The Type 7.5 flat is opposite the central stairs and the corridor widens in front of the flat’s kitchen and takes a few feet from it. But the basic layout is the same, and is as follows. As you enter the flat from the outer corridor, you find yourself in the hall, with the bathroom on your right, a bedroom ahead, and two bedrooms to the left. Past the bathroom, you turn right into the main living area. The kitchen is next to the outer corridor. It is part of an open space which becomes a dining area – if you want – and then a living area with windows over the Sculpture Court.


103 sq m / 1,111 sq ft
Meters Feet
Living / Dining / Kitchen 8.06 x 3.90 26’5″ x 12’9″
Bedroom 1 6.02 x 3.88 19’9″ x 12’8″
Bedroom 2 2.92 x 4.47 9’6″ x 14’7″
Bedroom 3 3.94 x 3.52 12’11” x 11’6″

Click here for more detailed information on ‘Three bedroom flats’.

Please note. These plans are illustrations and approximations only. They illustrate types of flats as built. They don’t show the actual demise, size, layout or dimensions of any particular flat. Individual flats may differ, or have been altered.

The Developers’ Floor Plan

Our Floor Plan

Type 7 5 Frobisher Crescent

Our 3D Plan

Type 7.5 Frobisher Crescent

