Type 46 Barbican Estate flats

Type 49 is a one-bedroom, sub-podium flat. The entrance of the Type 49 flat is into a hall with a separate WC and bathroom on one side. A door ahead leads to a bedroom with a small window on the side. From the hall, the door on the right opens into the living room which takes up the whole of the frontage two windows wide. The kitchen backs onto the wall to the hall.

Type 49 is the layout of a single sub-podium flat in Defoe House. It faces onto the overgrown path between Defoe House and Thomas More Garden, and has no access to the garden.

Please note. These plans are illustrations and approximations only. They illustrate types of flats as built. They don’t show the actual demise, size, layout or dimensions of any particular flat. Individual flats may differ, or have been altered.

Original Barbican Brochure Plan


Our Floor Plan

Seddon House Type 46

Our 3D Plan


