People who can help you

You want people you can trust and who know the estate.

Building type services

There are tried and tested service providers who have worked here for years and know all the issues with Barbican flats. They may have a lot of work on, so book well ahead to avoid frustration.

Carpenters | Electricians | Plumbers | Locksmiths | Decorators | Carpet fitters | Bath resurfacingFrench polishing | Garchey problems | Handyman | Refurbishments: kitchen, bathroom, or the whole flat

Check my Making alterations page because you need approvals for some works but not others.

For emergencies, like leaks and floods, contact the Barbican Estate Office for help. For out-of-hours emergencies, there is a resident engineer on 24 hour call. Your car park attendant or a porter in one of the towers can contact them for you.

Other things you need doing in your flat
Help if you are ill or frail

Doctors | Carers | Shoppers

The best way to find all the help and resources available to you is to start by speaking to the Barbican Estate Office, and to the Social Services Department of the City Corporation, and to your medical practice. Anything I tell you would risk being incomplete or out of date.

Other useful sources of help
Food delivered to your door