The courtyard between Crescent House and Great Arthur House, which you enter from Fann Street, opposite the YMCA appears to be natural ground level. But the site was originally at the same level as the tennis court beyond Cullum Welch House. The architects created the court at ground level. Underneath is an extensive car park for residents, with air and light being provided by the round silo-like structures in front of Cullum Welch House. To reach the garage, you drive down the ramp next to Cuthbert Harrowing House and turn left into the underground parking area. Carry straight on and it leads you out into the tennis court. So do the wide steps running along the entire width of Cullum Welch House.
There is another entry for cars at ground floor level on Fann Street running between Cuthbert Harrowing House and Bowater House. This opens into a car parking area in front of a community-style hall (currently advertising Bingo). It’s a central courtyard giving pedestrian access to the rest of the estate in several directions.