
Wherever possible, choose carers who have been recommended by other residents. Many residents of the estate use, or have used, carers. One way to find out who to contact is by talking to the regular car park attendants and porters. They know which residents in their block have used carers and can put you in touch with them or their families.

A really efficient strategy would be to enquire who is the longest-serving car park attendant in each box or porter in a tower lobby, and when they are on shift next, and then go and ask him or her for advice. As City employees they won’t want to give a direct recommendation themselves, but they should have no problem with putting you in touch with a resident or family they think might be able to give you a recommendation.

Some carers do day visits, others provide a night service. There are carers who have a number of clients on the estate, and they tend to try to combine visits. There are several nice and kind ladies to choose from.

Carers normally don’t need parking facilities – because of the congestion charge.

People adopt different approaches about how carers get in to the flat – some have their own keys, some collect keys for the visit from the estate office, some from the car park. It’s whatever the resident or their family wants.

An individual carer you can strike up a trusting and friendly relationship with may be the best choice when possible. But an organisation which provides carers is: Bluebird