Blake Tower Winter Gardens, Barbican Estate

You can scarcely find a new development nowadays which doesn’t have at least one ‘winter garden’. A winter garden is an enclosed glazed terrace. The selling point seems to be that you can compete with the supermarkets in defying the natural seasons for things. You can become self-sufficient in tomatoes.


On the two lower ground floors, the four one-bedroom flats closest to the rest of the Barbican estate have winter gardens, backing onto the external fire escape.

On the first floor, the two one-bedroom flats at the north end of Blake Tower (nearest Fann Street) also have winter gardens next to them, according to the plans. These winter gardens are formed on the landings of what used to be the staircase to some of the upper floors.

On the brochure plans, the winter gardens of the the four lower ground floor flats are included in the grey shading, denoting what is included in the flat. But the winter gardens next to the two first floor flats are not coloured on the plans. If you are buying one of these first floor flats, you should check this to make sure they are specifically included in what you are buying.

Lower ground floor 2 – LG2


Lower ground floor 1 – LG1


First floor
