These are odd gardens in the ‘odds and ends’ sense – and also because they are rather odd anyway.
The waterfall structure at the east end of the lake contains little raised gardens on either side of the cascade, but these are rather bedraggled because they have shallow concrete beds.

The garden in the top of the waterfall
The Postern
The Postern is not a particularly attractive building when viewed from the high walk on the way to the City but – more or less hidden from view – it has its own roof garden, a rather bedraggled one.
The Tier Garden
The ‘Tier Garden’ is a very grand name, with overtones of the lost Hanging Gardens of Babylon. In fact it’s just the ends of the storeys of the car park overlooking the back of Thomas More House, which have bushes in them. A lot of the plants died some years ago because the drainage has been blocked, but that has been remedied.
Lambert Jones Mews
There is another car park in front of Lambert Jones Mews entrances, but the gardeners have put in a row of Pyracantha, as a screen.
Other car parks
There are car park trees elsewhere. If you walk down Fore Street, you will see a row of plane trees south of Andrewes House, which grow out of the car park. The plane is particularly well suited for urban conditions.